Adventure Time Game Wizard
Game Adventure
"Great idea game and bosses reminded me of legend of Zelda game s"
Adventure Time Game Wizard
Game Adventure
"Great idea game and bosses reminded me of legend of Zelda game s"
Oceanhorn ™
Game Role Playing
"It's a good adventure regardless of its similarities to Zelda games"
Twilight Mirror Live Wallpaper
"Twilight princess is the most under rated Zelda game"
Fleeing the Complex
Game Casual
"Somewhere in a far off land, where the snowy mountains meet the sea, l..."
Legend of the Skyfish
Game Adventure
"** Touch Arcade - 4.5/5 'Get hooked on this' ** Pocket Gamer - 9/10 Go..."
Rucoy Online - MMORPG - MMO
Game Role Playing
"Rucoy Online is a Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game where..."
bit Dungeon
Game Role Playing
""It's a smartly and elegantly designed game that's not afraid to perma..."