
Bitcoin & Alt Coins Price Alerts Portfolio Tracker

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In short

Bitcoin & Alt Coins Price Alerts Portfolio Tracker is a free crypto app for Android made by DWorkS⭐. It helps to fallow bitcoin.


The best app to fallow bitcoin and other cryto coins

Best all in one crypto app in market place

Very nice al crypto rates on daily basis waoo thats great

Fluid app with nice simple UI

Great app but would like a search option to find coins faster

This app is top notch when it comes to premium services

Great features and UI

With phenomenal charting

Really great application for what i need

Simple and works Everytime you load it unlike other apps

There is no portfolio functionality without subscription

Arbitrage doesn't work for last few days on the paid version


ACrypto is another crypto currency app for all your trading needs Acrypto is a Bitcoin / Altcoin price checker using which you can track the latest prices, find arbitrage opportunities, maintain portfolio, get alerts from more than 200 coins including bitcoin, ethereum and other altcoin exchanges and markets in top 20 currencies around the world. You can also enjoy our news section which aggregates crypto news. Top Features Bitcoin Price Tracker as well as Altcoin price tracker which lets you interact with the price and volume Charts easily with your fingers. You can filter historical prices by time frame. AltCoin Tracker for the top altcoins in different Currencies where they are traded like USD, GBP, CNY, JPY, KRW, BTC and ETH as well. You can check the volume traded in the last 24 hours, the current price of cryptocurrency coins and the percentage change. You can also see the full details of the coins like the market cap, open, high, low price in last 24 hrs. You can also check all the exchanges where the currency pair is a traded along with charts. Bitcoin Arbitrage Price Tracker as well as Ethereum Arbitrage Price Tracker which shows the the percentage arbitrage between the top 25 currencies and where the price is higher. You can also view all the exchanges where you can buy these coins and sell them to get profits. This is a PRO feature. Altcoin Price Alerts as well as Ethereum Price Alerts using which you can keep track of your favorite cryptocurrency. You can set the alert of your altcoin with the top 25 currencies and exchanges supporting these pair. This is a PRO feature. Maintain Cryptocurrency Portfolio of all your coins including bitcoin and ethereum in one single place. Track the total profit / loss in last 24 hrs. Use this to find opportunities to trade based on the real time prices your portfolio. This is a PRO feature. Crypto world News for knowing what is happening in the crypto world across. This includes news from top news sites like bitcoinist, 8btc, coindesk, new.bitcoin Supported Coins are Bitcoin (BTC), Bitcoin Cash (BCH), Litecoin (LTC), Ethereum (ETH), Ripple (XRP), DigitalCash (DASH), Ethereum Classic (ETC), Monero (XMR), NXT, Dogecoin (DOGE), Steem (STEEM), ZCash (ZEC), Private Instant Verified Transaction (PIVX), Gnosis (GNO), Augur (REP), Lisk (Lisk), Stratis (STRAT), PeerCoin (PPC), NameCoin (NMC), ObitsCoin (OBITS), Emercoin (EMC), Steem (STEEM), ByteCoin (BCN), Golem Network Token (GNT), Waves (WAVES), NEM (XEM), Stellar (XLM), SiaCoin (SC), Factom (FCT), Basic Attention Token (BAT), Aragon (ANT), MaidSafe Coin (MAID), ZCoin (XZC), Ubiq (UBQ), StorjCoin (SJCX), DigitalNote (XDN), DigiByte (DGB), Decred (DCR), IOTA, EOS, BTS, ANS, BCC, VERI, ICN, QTUM, USDT, SNT, GBYTE, GAME, ARDR, KMD, PAY, MCAP, BNT, MTL, PPT, SNGLS, BDL, 1ST, MGO, BTCD, SYS, CVC, LKK, ARK, DCT, NXS, PART, FUN, PPC, EMC, XVG, LEO, EDG, ROUND, NMR, XAS, WINGS, RDD, DICE, RLC, LBC, BLOCK, PPY, COE, VSL, MONA, QRL, XCP, CLOAK, HMQ, BAY, SIB, FAIR, POT, VIA, AMP, SKY, XEL, QUA, VTC, BLK, ION, SOAR, TAAS and lots more Supported Exchanges are BTC38, BTCC, BTCE, BTER, Bit2C, Bitfinex, Bitstamp, Bittrex, CCEDK, Cexio, Coinbase, Coinfloor, Coinse, Coinsetter, Cryptopia, Cryptsy, Gatecoin, Gemini, HitBTC, Huobi, itBit, Kraken, LakeBTC, LocalBitcoins, MonetaGo, OKCoin, Poloniex, Yacuna, Yunbi, Yobit, Korbit, BitBay, BTCMarkets, QuadrigaCX, CoinCheck, BitSquare, Vaultoro, MercadoBitcoin, Unocoin, Bitso, BTCXIndia, Paymium, TheRockTrading, bitFlyer, Quoine, Luno, EtherDelta, Liqui, bitFlyerFX, BitMarket, LiveCoin, Coinone, Tidex, Bleutrade, EthexIndia Supported Countries / Currencies are USD, EUR, GBP, CAD, PLN, AUD, CNY, RUB, HKD, NZD, INR, JPY, SGD, KRW, PHP, MXN, BRL, IDR, ZAR, ILS, DKK, MYR, SEK, AED, CHF, THB This is a simple material design Bitcoin Ticker which uses data from coinmarketcap and cryptocompare

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