Patchwork The Game
Game Board
"In this award-winning board game for two, quilting has never been more..."
Checkers Online is a free Android app developed by BaliCheckers.
This one also has challenging difficulty levels
Fantastic game though
Overall good application
Beacause it is a nice game
But I wish it would just let me make my own moves
Doesn't allow all moves and forces you to make suicide moves
Which causes me to lose nearly every game
Gotta change that I'm uninstalling
That IS NOT a checkers rule
I can't believe someone managed to mess up checkers
These ads completely slow down the game to slow motion
To ignore a forced jump is against the basic rules of the game
U might as well not move cuz u can't even do it own move
It just keeps giving you that stupid circle
Patchwork The Game
Game Board
"In this award-winning board game for two, quilting has never been more..."
Chess Free
Game Board
"Top Developer (awarded 2013 / 2015) Chess Free is the best free Chess ..."
Reversi Free
Game Board
"Top Developer (awarded 2013 / 2015) Reversi Free is the best free Reve..."
DroidFish Chess
Game Board
"DroidFish is an Android port of the very strong Stockfish chess engine..."
SUBURBIA City Building Game
Game Board
""All in all, the app is pretty fantastic"-Board Game Geek "An accessib..."
Tsuro - The Game of the Path
Game Board
"*** 40% OFF for a limited time! *** "Utterly fantastic... I cannot rec..."