Rush Rally 2
Game Racing
"Touch Arcade - "Easily one of the best racing games on mobile"½ Pocket..."
Colin McRae Rally is an Android perfect game from Thumbstar Games Ltd. It is suitable for real enthusiasts.
Almost a Perfect game This game is awesome
This is the best mobile rally game I've found
Which I especially recommend to real enthusiasts
This is a must have for any fan of rally racing
The only downside would be how long a race might be
Awesome game on S7 edge
This is a pretty decent game
Truly excited to have CMR back
Keep up the good work
It's a great mobile game
HOWEVER I am stuck in Australia Stage 3 loading page
Game is not working properly on Samsung phones
Steering sensitivity is inconsistent but not a deal breaker
But wont load race just sits on loading screen
Then crashes back to phone homepage
I can't get Australia stage 4 to load at all
It simply does not work on my Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge
Load times are far too long
Had potential but the touchscreen controls just suck
Codrivers voice is annoying and redundant and cannot be turned off
Rush Rally 2
Game Racing
"Touch Arcade - "Easily one of the best racing games on mobile"½ Pocket..."
Drag Racing
Game Racing
"Drag Racing is the classic nitro fuelled racing game for Android! Race..."
Pocket Rally
Game Racing
"Major update! 4 new cars/liveries, 2 new tracks both with forward/reve..."
Animal Rescue - Pet Shop Game
Game Simulation
"Are you a pet person? What about being a pet HERO? Save abandoned anim..."
Chef Rescue - Management Game
Game Casual
"Experiencing a cooking frenzy? Use your powers and become a cooking he..."
Real Drift Car Racing
Game Racing
"With more than 10 millions of fan players worldwide, Real Drift Car Ra..."