
Fishing Times

478 ratings DOWNLOAD

In short

Fishing Times is an app for Android created by Subclosure. And this is a perfect way to plan outing.


Helpful knowledge to pass to my friends

It helps to understand the sun and moon phases for optimal fishing

Great app to see tides

Best app on market for right times to go for a fish

This is a great app i use it to plan almost every outing

Good accurate data in an easy read clock format

Helps me plan my day without wasting time fishing for nothing

This app has a great way to quickly

It's been pretty accurate as far as best days to fish

Great app with no clutter

Now it won't let me view the monthly calendar

I paid for the Pro version and still doesn't work

Why I can't see the Blue Bars for indicating low and high tide times

Tide schedules will not load

It does not allow one to edit the name

Tides are not accurate in my experience around Myrtle Beach

Unable to find location even when I zoom in and drop a pin

Doesn't even give a nearby area


Fishing Times provides you with an easy to read interface for current, past and future fishing conditions. Major and Minor Times, Day Rating, Tide Times, Sunrise, Sunset, Moonrise, Moonset and Moonphase are displayed in a Solunar Clock view and can also be viewed in a calendar. You can easily switch the selected date to plan your fishing trips ahead. The Solunar Clock interface will give you instant information on best times. You can now also manage multiple locations. How to read and use the App: - Green Bars indicate good major and minor fishing times (major longer, minor shorter bar) - Blue Bars indicate low and high tide times. - Center indicates moonphase - Gray current time indicator - top right of screen has a day rating indicator ( 1-4 fishes, fair to excellent ) - sun and moon icons for sun/moon rise and set - swipe left or right to change the date The displayed fishing information is powered http://www.fishingreminder.com

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