In short
Gratitude Journal is a free bliss app for Android created by John De Mott. It can be recommended to developers. And this is a perfect way to develop perspective.
Love the gratitude journal
Keeping a gratitude journal seems to really help my perspective
It's a great way to journal too
Would love to be able to see all my gratitude entries in one list
I see good change in my thought patterns and it's great
Helps you develop perspective on things
It also has neat exercises to raise my vibrations
Thank you to the developers for improving the value of my life
I am grateful for the bliss app
It helps me to transform my negative thoughts into positive ones
Wanted to document in a paper journal and not in an app
Nothing says blissful more than a vampiric computer program
It just showed the Bliss icon and then freeze there
The app randomly activates without me touching the app icon
Just loads the splash screen
App asks me to create an account
Got an error message
App loads logo then turns to a white screen
A blank screen appears and nothing further
Had high hopes for this app
If you find a bug on your android / phone version, please email me ( with a description and the model of phone you are using and I'll fix ASAP.
Bliss increases happiness, motivation and effectiveness with scientifically proven techniques from top researchers.
Psychologists have developed a collection of exercises, or "interventions,"which have been proven to increase happiness and other desirable mental traits.
Bliss packages these exercises up for you in one application so that you can easily incorporate them into your life and reap all the benefits from decades of psychological research.
Exercises are scheduled for completion on a recurring schedule — allowing you to build the habit of positive mental transformation.
Bliss works like a daily diary or gratitude journal that allows you to record thoughts and meditation on the previous day. Each journal entry helps you increase mindfulness, find inspiration, and build self-confidence.
Bliss goes beyond self-help and self-improvement to offer writing exercises that have been proven to work in rigorous scientific studies.
As you continue writing notes in your gratitude journal and completing the other exercises you begin to change your outlook to focus on the positive, get more enjoyment from life, and become more effective at everything you do.
Why use Bliss?
*Become Happier* - Bliss rewires your brain for positivity. Over time, as you continue to complete your daily exercises, your mental outlook becomes more positive, you enjoy life more, you find more meaning and satisfaction in your work, you strengthen your relationships and you come closer to being the best possible version of yourself.
*Become more successful* - In The Happiness Advantage, positive psychologist Shawn Anchor details the research showing the crucial role that happiness plays in all aspects of success. Happier brains are more creative, resilient, and even more alert. Where a negative brain sees problems, a happier brain sees possibilities. New avenues to success open up and you find creative solutions to help you reach your goals faster than you ever dreamed possible.
*Become a better parent, spouse, or friend* - Happiness is contagious. When you rewire your brain for positivity and meaning, everyone you encounter benefits. You find yourself reacting more kindly and patiently and learn to help the people you care about most live happier, more fulfilling lives.
*Become more charismatic* - Happier people are viewed as being more likeable, more trustworthy, and more attractive. As you increase your confidence, self-image, and personal power, people are drawn to you. You develop the infectious, optimistic outlook of a leader who always finds a way to lead the group to victory, even in the most dire conditions.
*Find more meaning in your work* - Happiness is not just about "looking on the bright side."It's also about identifying what's important to you and figuring out ways to increase those aspects of your life. When you clarify your values, your life is driven with meaning and purpose.