In short
HD Model Viewer Pro is an app for Android created by Duke Dev. And this is a perfect way to showcase work.
A perfect app for an artist to showcase work in an interactive way
Runs without a hitch on Galaxy Note II
It's so useful to be able to check a model on the fly
Really appreciate fbx compatibility
Intuitive touch rotation controls
Works good even for complex models
The viewer handles it well even with heavy models
Keep on the good work
And I love the fluid controls
Had a great support from the developer
Developer isolated issue and wrote a fix the same day
View full-detail, 3D textured models and animations from over 20 different formats. • View, rotate, zoom • Full-screen mode • Material support with transparency and custom diffuse/specular/ambient lighting • Register as default viewer for supported model types • Import from local storage, or stream from http/https/ftp sources • Preloaded with sample models (courtesy of Assimp) • Supported model formats include: • FBX (ascii), 3DS, BLEND, DAE (Collada), PLY, STL, OBJ, SMD, X, LWO, LXO, LWS, XML, DXF, HMP, MD2, MD3, MD5, MDC, MDL(Quake), NFF, TER, AC3D, MS3D(Milkshape), IFC-STEP, ASE • Uses the open source Assimp library ( • Supported material texture formats include: • BMP, CUT, DDS, DOOM, HDR, GIF, JP2, JPEG, LBM, MDL, PAL, PBM, PCD, PCX, PGM, PIC, PNG, PPM, PSD, PSP, RAW, SGI, TGA and TIF(F) • Pro-Only Features: • Skeletal animation playback from common formats, including BVH, .DAE, .MD5 and .X • Adjust render quality • Dark and light backgrounds • Basic model statistics • Wireframe rendering • Light intensity and direction control • On-screen viewing controls • Load/disable textures after model import • Normal (bump) mapping support • Coming Soon: • Screen-space ambient occlusion • Faster anti-aliasing