

13K ratings DOWNLOAD

In short

Horoscope is a free best horoscope app for Android created by Seal Dev Team. It can be recommended to most people and others.


This app is by far the best horoscope app I have ever had

The Horoscope app is very informative

But I enjoy the tarot readings as well

This is THE BEST Horoscope App

I found some information very accurate for most people

A very good time pass

Easy to use and talk to others

Awesome lots of detail and it's all for free

Spirituality And I think This is a Great App

The stars and your ancestors remember ALL

Supposed to be a horoscope app disgusting

Learned that gemini is worst match for pisces


Get this free Horoscope app for daily, monthly and yearly horoscope, horoscope character as well as zodiac compatibility. The app covers all horoscopes: aries, taurus, gemini, cancer, leo, virgo, libra, scorpio, sagittarius, capricorn, aquarius, and pisces. Key Features 1. Daily Horoscope: Select your sign and get highly accurate description of your day. Read it after you wake up and before bed. Start and finish your day with enjoyment. Use your free horoscope to plan your day, every day. 2. Weekly Horoscope: astrology works on you everyday! Predictions of your week helps you get prepared for the coming week. See how things are going to work out and what you should do to make your day easier and more productive. 3. Monthly Horoscope: Get a basic grasp on your monthly fortune. 4.Yearly Horoscope: Discover what the future holds for you. You'd be amazed by the accurate info for your sign and for yourself. 5.Horoscope character: What kind of a person are you? The Horoscope app helps you identify your personality and character both for now and in the future, whether you are Water, Earth, Wind or Fire element, and whatever sign you are. 6.Zodiac compatibility: Ever wondered why you get along well with some but could be easily agitated by others? This is Horoscope doing its little trick. Whether with family, friends, co-workers, loved ones, or acquaintances, you'll see Horoscope doing its magic by knowing personal things about you. Get ready to be amazed. 7.Love match: Insight into which sign your sign goes perfectly with. See how compatible you are with your partner, and see what sign you are really looking for if you don't yet have a partner. Horoscope helps you find the right match. 8.Free and offline, this Horoscope app delivers Horoscope for the day, the week, the month and the year. It covers all zodiac signs. Customized for you, it answers all your questions for Horoscope signs, love horoscope, numerology and astrology. Get it now! “Astrology is a science in itself and contains an illuminating body of knowledge. It taught me many things and I am greatly indebted to it.” -- Albert Einstein

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