
Kids ABC Letter Trains

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In short

Kids ABC Letter Trains is an Android app developed by Intellijoy. This app is recommended for toddlers. This is a good app to learn letters.


My 2 and a half year old loves this game

It's really helping him learn his letters

My son has enjoyed this app for the past couple years

Great for learning letters

It's a great way to learn letters

Educational and simple for toddlers

He's getting the alphabet tracing really well on his own now

My 3rd old son loves this game

He learns encouraging words too

My 2 year old Grandson loves it

At current time game is not working on my lg optimus fuel

The trial version they got bored of quickly

02 for all in one kids game package and it doesn't work at all

The latest version also hangs


Kids ABC Letter Trains is part of our Kids Preschool Learning Series. Intended for kids ages 2-7, Kids ABC Letter Trains invites preschool-aged children to learn and identify letters and their sounds (phonics), using trains and railroads as their tools. With Kids ABC Letter Trains, your preschool and kindergarten-aged kids will learn each letter's name and sound, trace letter shapes, identify letters in context, and match lower to upper case letters. The game has 5 activities: 1. Build the Railroad. This activity is a fun way for children to learn the name and the appearance of each letter in the alphabet. Kids will enjoy as each station lights up with the announcement of a letter. 2. Drive the Train. Kids get to practice making their very own letters, both upper and lower cases, by carefully tracing the letter on a railroad track with their choice of train car. 3. Garages with Surprises. Children are now tested to see if they can find the right letter. They need to open the correct garage, as their engine drives inside and pulls out a cargo car with a surprise. 4. Phonics Cargo Train. This activity teaches children to identify correct letter sounds within the context of words. The child’s task is to load the correct cargo boxes into the train. 5. Engine Search. Children get to think fast as they match upper and lower case letters before the trains have time to move away. Phonics is reinforced by hearing the letter’s sound after they make the correct match.

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