
Learn Korean - Grammar

37K ratings DOWNLOAD

In short

Learn Korean - Grammar is a free Android app from WingsApp Studio. It is suitable for residents and people. It is a great way to study korean.


Very helpful app since that I was starting to learn korean words

But good for residents to learn Korean

Great i love the pop ups on my notification bar

Thank you very much I'm so happy to have this apps

I highly recommend this app to anyone of wants to study korean

This app is great for learning vocabulary

Thank you to all the people who made this app awesome

A helpful application to those beginner who wants to learn korean

Im so thankful to the people that made this app

It is great for beginners

I know English is a worse language to represent pronunciation

Many spelling errors

Too many advertisement

It should also be pronounced R Is it common that in many words the last letter is not pronounced


"Learn Korean - Grammar"include over 4000+ phrases with 55 categories(Greetings, How are you, Meeting, I love you, Thank You, Hotel, Numbers, Korean Hotel phrases, Health, Restaurant, Weather, Clothes, Describing people, Love and Romance, Korean Expressions, Going out, Questions, Airport...) serve the purpose at tourists and business people visiting Korean "Learn Korean - Grammar"include over 200 grammar lesson Quiz game will improve word and phrases ... All of them is FREE util tomorrow Can not require internet

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