Get Friends for Snapchat & Kik
"Disclaimer: This app is not sponsored or endorsed by, or affiliated wi..."
MEEFF - Korean friends! is a free Android app developed by NOYESRUN. This is a good app to find friends.
This is a great app to meet new friends
It helps us to find foreign friends
But the best app for finding friends
I do enjoy using this app
Thanks for such a great app
It workd very well last time
This is awesome app that I really love
I can meet new friends
I've met so many Korean friends and I'm improving my Korean now
I met some very nice and kind people on there
It keeps saying server error so I can't do anything
It keeps saying gps is weak
It said that my email adress haven't been registered yet
It was working fine but now it says internal server error occurred
It keep showing internal error besides that
I can't even login with my facebook acc
The developers seem to know this problem but still won't fix it
It has the worst server
Please dont banned account without any valid reason
And I can't use it anymore it's been take a long time to open it
Get Friends for Snapchat & Kik
"Disclaimer: This app is not sponsored or endorsed by, or affiliated wi..."
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