Jet - Online Shopping Deals
"Download Jet -- where prices drop as you shop! This must-have online s..."
Menards® is a free app for Android made by Menard, Inc. It helps to see store.
Brings back memories of Android Cupcake
Guest service surpasses anyone
Menard's is the best store for your weekend shopping
Very useful to see what a store has in stock
Amazing app and amazing stores
Great tool for shopping
Really great place to shop
Helps with comparing with other similar products
And it's my new favorite store
Poor user experience all around
Slowest app of the three main home improvement stores
There's no excuse for less than ebay quality searching in 2016
App sucks and so does the Even dale store can't hind anything
The search function sucks
I Go to Menards a lot but the app is very poor
Slower than a Mcdonalds drive thru
I wonder how much business Menard's is losing due to this crumby app
What an absolute PITA
Too slow to use anymore
Jet - Online Shopping Deals
"Download Jet -- where prices drop as you shop! This must-have online s..."
thredUP - Shop + Sell Clothing
"thredUP is the world’s largest online fashion resale shop with over 25..."
SHOP CALC Pro: Shopping List
"Grocery Shopping List with Price Calculator, Budget Control, Taxes and..."
Grocery King Shopping List
"Introducing Grocery King a freshly reimagined app to help you and your..."
Shopper: Grocery Shopping List
"Shopper: a grocery list app and shopping list app. Shopper has the mos..."
Out of Milk - Grocery Shopping List
"Shopping List, Pantry List & To-Do List in a small, intuitive and easy..."