PdaNet Tablet
"PdaNet Tablet app allows you to get Internet access on an Android tabl..."
No Signal Alert Pro is an Android app developed by Smart Android Apps, LLC.
Works great on my galaxy tab
This app is great for the troubled samsung galaxy nexus
This app worked perfectly on motor droid
Worked reasonably well with my Samsung GS3
Latest update has transformed this app
Great job with a new look
Does not notify of signal failure on Samsung Note 3
The map feature is very lame
Doesn't work on my Nexus 5 with lolipop version
When I changed over to Galaxy phone it stopped working
Fc every time I select the statistics tab
Also your GPS tracking is horridly wrong
Will not detect no signal areas or map them
PdaNet Tablet
"PdaNet Tablet app allows you to get Internet access on an Android tabl..."
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DIGI Clock Widget
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Prince of Persia Shadow&Flame
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Osmos HD
Game Arcade
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Total Keto Diet - Low Carb Diet & Keto Calculator
Health & Fitness
"Hundreds of delicious keto recipes, tons of great keto diet articles, ..."