
Ocean Temperature & Tides

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In short

Ocean Temperature & Tides is a free Android app developed by ENC Data. This is a good app to plan beach trips.


Helps me plan my beach trips

Great way to access the data from the national data buoy center

Wish it had tide graph on the widget

I sure wish it could predict the Temps in the near future though


Great for surfing, diving, sailing, swimming or deciding if it's a good time to hit the beach. Check what time the next high/low tide is. Use the home screen widget to keep an eye on the water. Live scientific readings from ocean buoys around the world. Data is provided by the National Data Buoy Center of NOAA and other public scientific organizations. Most buoys report water temperature and swell height, but some have more information available than others. Automatically select the closest buoy, choose one from the map, or choose from the list. Build a list of favorites for quick access to key buoys. With your device's location function turned on, bearing and distance to the buoy is calculated and displayed. This app is lightweight, easy-to-use, and requires virtually no data usage. Currently, buoys are included from the following locations: US Pacific: Washington to California US Atlantic: Main to Florida Alaska Hawaii US/Canada Great Lakes Caribbean Gulf of Mexico Brazil United Kingdom Ireland Spain Portugal Italy Australia Chile

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