FamilyTime Parental Controls & Screen Time App
"FamilyTime android parental control app can be the game changer in you..."
RaceChrono Pro is a timing app for Android created by RaceChrono. And this is a perfect way to compare splits.
Great app just what I needed for days at the track
Good working lap tracking and fantastic analysis functions
I'm glad the Android version is as good as the old Symbian one
Very reliable and accurate when compared with the car transponder
This works brilliantly with a Garmin Glo for trackdays
Combines all data sources
From far the easiest and de best lap timer i seen
Excellent app being using it since it's Symbian days
And GoPro Session and I love it
We love comparing our splits
FamilyTime Parental Controls & Screen Time App
"FamilyTime android parental control app can be the game changer in you..."
Meteogram Pro Weather Charts
"Summary This weather widget (and interactive app) provides a detailed ..."
Precision Trolling Data
"NOTE: If you experience any problems with the data or images contained..."
7 Minute Workout Pro
Health & Fitness
"7 Minute workout Pro with no ads. All workouts are free to use. The 7 ..."
iPray: Prayer Times & Qibla
"iPray offers a beautifully hand-crafted interface with both Prayer Tim..."
TimeClock - Time Tracker
"A simple and easy way to track your billable hours, expenses and milea..."