
Reverso Translation Dictionary

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In short

Reverso Translation Dictionary is a free translation app for Android created by Softissimo Inc. It can be recommended to professionals and students. And this is a perfect way to check compositions.


Awesome app to translate both words and entire sentences

Invaluable for my students

It's a very useful app for deutsch learning

Very comfortable to use and easy to understand the translation

It's a very useful app for checking compositions and translations

Best App for learning a language

Good for professionals and leaning language

It's the best translation app I've ever come across

Can you add Chinese and pinyin Korean and Japanese and rojai thaks

Thanks for this good app


The best way to translate and learn millions of words and expressions. Contains a huge database of real-life examples and a powerful linguistic search engine. Includes pronunciation, phrasebook, flashcards and more. Effective and educational. Free and already available in Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese (Brazil and Portugal), Arabic, Russian, Hebrew, Polish, German, Dutch, ... ______ Just type or say what you want to translate and the results appear in the blink of an eye: the most relevant translations, followed by examples of use, extracted from documents translated by professionals: websites, official documents, movie dialogs, newspaper articles, product descriptions. You will then be able to save you searches and your preferred examples in your phrasebook, learn new words and expressions through flashcards. If you register, your latest searches will also be available on Reverso Context web site on all your devices. It provides you everything that a large bilingual dictionary does + has more content and more features : contains specialized terminology for business, finance, medical or technical, more idioms, conjugated forms, reverse translations. With the simplicity and the power of a search engine and the completeness of several full-size dictionaries combined, Reverso Context provides you relevant translations and examples in context for virtually any word or expression. Thanks to its user-friendly design, Reverso Context is suitable for beginners and professionals alike. It's powerful, fun to use, educational and free. * Instant translation in 11 languages: Spanish, French, Italian, English, Portuguese, German, Polish, Dutch, Arabic, Russian and Hebrew. * Examples of use in context (original text and translated text, with searched term and its translations highlighted) extracted from our database, composed of hundreds of millions of indexed words. * Vocabulary lists based on your personal selection of examples and translations, available offline. * Natural pronunciation of complete example sentences. * One click to see reverse translations, frequency details, definitions or conjugation when applicable. * Search history, available offline and available on Reverso Context website if you register (free) * Suggestions: words and expressions will be suggested to you as you type. * Share instantly your findings via email or through social media. * Flashcards to help you memorize the words or phrases searched or discover new ones. By the creators of the famous translation website

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