
Vape Tool Pro

2K ratings DOWNLOAD

In short

Vape Tool Pro is a vaping app for Android created by stasbar. And this is a perfect way to purchase pro.


Well worth the money for pro version

Liked the app enough to buy the pro version all in all a good app

The coil builder is spot on and the ohms law calc is great

Great app for coil builders

Easy to use app that fulfills my coil making needs

Great fun for building coils

Coil calculator works good

Best app that I have used for all my vaping needs

Love the app for my DIY mixing

Best app to use for building

Ever since I paid for pro the coil calculator is so inaccurate

Fix it before you blow off mechanical mod uses faces off


Panicked and had no choise but to click to get a refund

I save many coils setup but there is no option to get it back

You need to fix this


Would you like to know resistance of Coil you are going to build ? Would you like to know how to prepare your own E-Liquid ? Would you like to know min. resistance and Max Vape Current for every 18650 battery ? Or many other vaping stuff ? Vape Tool Pro is huge arsenal for every vaper. User friendly design. For beginners and advanced vapers. Pro Version Features: -More coil types in Coil Calculator (13 coil types at the moment ) -Advanced Sweet Spot Finder -Consuming flavors feature (Tracking flavors amount left) -Wires lobby -Wires length needed to build coil -E-Juice Pie chart -Min. Resistance fer batteries -Batteries Chart -Fast Ohm Law calculator widget -Custom number of core strands in Fused Clapton builds -I'm still working on new features. -No Ads -Steam Engine feature -Support project :) Coil Calculator/Coil Wrapping : help you calculate perfect coils, number for wraps or resistance based on wraps ! Works similar to Steam Engine it support multi-coil setups, types like Clapton Coil , Parallel Coil , Twisted Coil , Ribbon Wire and diffrent wire materials Sweet Spot Finder : Shows you the wattage sweet spot for your coil setup. Liquid Blender Calculator : will help you make and calculate e-liquids and calculate thier final cost. You can save recipes and share with your friends. FAQ Articles: read about E-Ciggaretes , MODs , BOXs , Coil Builds , Mechanical Mods , E-Liquids , Atomizers , Accessories etc. Battery Life: allows you to calculate estimated runtime on your mechanical mods and estimated puffs Ohm Law calculator: based on ohm law, you will be able to calculate Voltage [V], Resistance [Ω], Current [A], Power [W] AWG converter: provide easy conversion from AWG to mm

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