In short
Video Voice Changer FX is a free Android app from Bizo Mobile. It is a great way to create cool videos.

It has helped me create cool videos
Otherwise Great tool
It blacks out to your home screen every time you try to use a video
It always crashes when I was trying to add a video or to even start
Laud background music is so annoying
Unknown Error you haven't started just open will close automatically
Why this app soo000 hated me
This app lets you change your voice in a video to sound like a funny creature! Just record a video, or select it from your SD card, choose the effect and create a funny voice video in a minutes! Available sound effects in Video Voice Changer FX: - squirrel or chipmunk sound - helium video effect - alien and space ship - devil - robot and robot soldier sound - echo - and many more! Result video effect will be saved to your SD card, so you can publish it anywhere you want. You can also switch effects live while playing the video!