
World News

435 ratings DOWNLOAD

In short

World News is a free Android news app from Micro09.


This is a amazing news app

It's practical and offer a good variety of news feed

Good app in terms of space saving and independence

Tons of customization ability to stream the news you want

This is a good application

One of the best applications

Excellent idea and well organized

Highly recommended and developer took time to create this

Lots of interesting information here and around the world

This is my favorite feature

I uninstalled this bias slant on world news

Constant flashing ads

Is there a PAY version without the advert at the bottom

Headline statements but blanks out follow up on stories

I'm reading an article and all of a sudden a noisy add pops up


World News App is fast and light news reader brings latest news and top stories around the world from all news sources. World News provides you with latest news on politics, sports, science, medicine, technology, business, art, entertainment and photography. The App keeps you informed around the clock by providing you with up-to-date news & updates on different news categories; this ensures that the app becomes perfect for all kinds of people considering their different choices and preferences. Follow real-time, dynamic latest and breaking news from the best and most trusted networks and news sites. Keep up-to-date with all the latest Premier League , La Liga, Serie A, Bundesliga and NBA news, standings and transfer rumors from "sport section"If you want to save time and effort to stay up to date with what happened in your country, then this app is what you need! You can add any news source (CNN, BBC, NY times ....) and any news section you prefer to read (business, space, football, basketball...) World News App brings to you the latest news headlines, breaking news, top stories around the world in one App. World news will provides you with news from from top websites and newspapers from around the globe like : * CNN * GOOGLE NEWS * YAHOO NEWS * HUFFINGTON POST * BBC * Time * Forbes * NEWYORK TIMES * REUTERS * FOX NEWS * NBC NEWS * THE GUARDIAN * TIMES OF INDIA * RT *NDYV * ALJAZEERA * LA TIMES * ESPN SPORT NEWS * WALL STREET JOURNAL * USA TODAY * NBA News * GOAL website * IFLScience * WIRED * NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC * HowStuffWorrks *WIKIPEDIA photos *Science Daily *TECH Crunch *The Next Web * MASHABLE * The Verge * *you can add any source you want Features: * Very fast and lightweight newsreader * Immediate and simple to use * Optimized for low bandwidth usage * mark the important news * offline reading * watch videos and photos * read last 24 hours news from all science news sites *change theme color * Share the news with friends through mail, social networks, Facebook, Twitter, Whats app or any other app you have installed. The best for the daily reader Disclaimer: This app is not affiliated nor related with any of the newspapers cited here. The content the app shows comes from RSS feeds from the newspapers which retains all copyrights and thus the app is not to be held responsible for any of the content displayed

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