
LAX Time & Score

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In short

LAX Time & Score is an app for iOS made by Shawn Lavin.


This app is perfect for keeping track of penalties


This is a timer meant to allow the timing and scorekeeping for sports like Lacrosse, Box Lacrosse, Hockey and Soccer where you may need to account for penalties or shot clocks. You may configure the period length up to 60 minutes and up to four penalty/shot clocks for 15 second intervals from 30 seconds to 5 minutes. If you jump to another application while timing an event, when you re-enter the LAX Timer, any countdown events are in the same state as when you left them. If you take that one minute call, that 30 second penalty clock will have counted down to zero and the time in the period will be properly reduced by a minute. You can customize the background of the screens by selecting an image from your Photo Library.

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