Round Health
Health & Fitness
"Round makes it easier to remember to take your medicine, so you can wo..."
Prognosis: Your Diagnosis - Clinical Case Studies is a free app for iOS made by Medical Joyworks LLC.
To find such an amazing app you should search all galaxies
But so far as substance goes great app
Round Health
Health & Fitness
"Round makes it easier to remember to take your medicine, so you can wo..."
Stanford Health Care MyHealth
Health & Fitness
"Accessing your personal health information has never been easier. The ..."
Sworkit - Workouts & Fitness Plans
Health & Fitness
"Hey you! Yes you, reading this. So you're thinking of downloading an e..."
Doctor On Demand
Health & Fitness
"Have a video visit with a board-certified physician, psychologist or m..."
HeartWatch. Heart & Activity Monitor for Watch
Health & Fitness
""HeartWatch is so good, you’d think Apple built the app itself."John P..."
Ada - Your Health Companion
Health & Fitness
"Ada is your Personal Health Companion: Find out what's wrong if you or..."