
What The Forecast?!!

477 ratings DOWNLOAD

In short

What The Forecast?!! is a free app for iOS created by William King.


It's the best app for weather in a long time

Thank you and thanks for the frequent updates

Thanks for making this

I'm glad that one of my friends found this app and shared it with me


Finally, there is an accurate weather app that will explain, in real terms, how nasty it is outside. You will never again wonder if you should just go back to bed (which, of course, you should). Sometimes, it is better to just give up and try again tomorrow. The app features: - Over 6657 completely obnoxious phrases describing the current weather conditions. - Switchable profanity settings (On, Some, Off).** - Listen to the latest weather saying in different voices. - Highly accurate weather reports directly from Dark Sky. - Daily forecasts for 7 days. - Hourly forecasts for 48 hours. - Precipitation forecasts for the next hour. - Weather alerts from NOAA. - Backgrounds and precipitation that match the time of year and current weather. - Select from U.S. or international units. - The weather conditions can now be translated into 27 languages, including pig latin. - Description of basic weather terms used in the app. You can now share your weather report and obnoxious weather sayings using social media! **Make sure you go into the app settings and set the profanity setting to "On"for the full effect. You won't be disappointed (Or, maybe you will. I don't know.).

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