

16K ratings DOWNLOAD

In short

Accu​Battery is a free Android app developed by Digibites. This app is recommended for developers. This is a good app to understand cpu usage.


Great app to track battery health

Great app for determining battery quality and charge rate

Excellent for understanding cpu usage and battery optimization

Thanks its very nices app that monitors apps usage without root

Maintains charging discharging history

But this app's statistics and info charts are pretty neat

Thanks to developers

Other than that I'm loving the insight into my battery usage

It really improved my battery life

Strongly recommend to download this app

Auto killing of this app will be rendering this app useless

This is NOT a user issue

Such as limiting battery charge to a particular point

Payment system is extremely buggy

This app does not seem to work correctly with my new Huawei Mate 9

Not restore purchase function

My battery on my GS7 Edge REALLY sucks now

Uninstalling and then installing again to see the difference

Not what the manufacturer states

If it was purposely left out due to battery drain


Designed to keep your battery in the best shape you can – AndroidHeadlines    AccuBattery protects battery health , displays battery usage information, and measures battery capacity (mAh) based on science.   BATTERY HEALTH   Batteries have a limited lifespan. Every time you charge your device, it wears out the battery, lowering its total capacity. Scientific research shows that battery lifespan can be extended up to 200% , when you charge your device to only 80% .   - Use our charge alarm to prolong your battery lifespan. - Discover how much battery wear was endured during your charge session.   BATTERY USE   AccuBattery measures the actual battery usage using information from the battery charge controller. Battery usage per app is determined by combining these measurements with information on which app is in the foreground. Android calculates battery usage using pre-baked profiles that device manufacturers provide, like how much power the CPU uses. In practice however, these numbers tend to be highly inaccurate.   - Monitor how much battery your device is using - Know how long you can use your device when it’s active or in standby mode - Find out how much power each app uses. - Check how often your device gets woken up from deep sleep .   CHARGE SPEED   Use AccuBattery to find the fastest charger and USB cable for your device. Measure the charging current (in mA) to find out!   - Check how fast your device is charging when the screen is on or off . - Know how long it takes to charge your phone and when it’s finished.   HIGHLIGHTS   - Measure real battery capacity (in mAh) . - Use the charge alarm to prolong battery lifespan. - See how much wear your battery sustains with each charge session. - Look up the discharge speed and battery consumption per app . - Remaining charge time - know how long it takes before your battery is charged. - Remaining use time - know when you will run out of battery. - Screen on or screen off estimations. - Check the percentage of deep sleep , when the device is in standby mode. - Ongoing notification for real time battery statistics at a glance.   PRO FEATURES   - Real-time CPU and power usage overlay for spotting battery draining processes. - Use Dark and AMOLED black themes to save energy. - Access to historical sessions older than 1 day. - Detailed battery statistics in notification. - No ads   We're a small, independent app developer with a focus on quality and passion for battery statistics. AccuBattery doesn’t require access to privacy-sensitive information and doesn't make false claims. If you like the way we work, support us by upgrading to the Pro version.   Tutorial:   Need help?   Website:   Research:   Facebook:   Google+:   Twitter:

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