
AR.Pro 3 for Bebop Drones

397 ratings DOWNLOAD

In short

AR.Pro 3 for Bebop Drones is an Android app developed by Shell M. Shrader. This is a good app to set dead zone.


Amazing app to control the Parrot Bebop 2

One of the best purchases I've made on the play store

Awesome so far Thank you for making this app

Great app great value

Overall an excellent app that definitely surpasses FreeFlight Pro

Great being able to set a dead zone

Like follow me and the flight plan

A big plus is the excellent PDF manual

Solved my problem with a ipega controller causing drifting

The best drone software for BeBop 2 offered

I wanted to use skycontroller but will not connect

WiFi password does not work on my device

The error of USB sky2 was not recognized

This app does not work with the new skycontroller 2 FPV settup

The video feed would freeze constantly

I can't activate the follow mode on my bebop2

You cannot see anythung via google cardboard

Take off button does nothing camera won't point straight ahead

Its the whole reason i bought this crap

Tried refunding and it wouldn't let me


If you are looking for AR.Pro for V1 and V2 AR.Drones you can find it here: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.shellware.AR.Pro AR.Pro 3 provides for remote control capabilities of Parrot Bebop V1 and V2 drones. It exposes many of the same functions as Parrot’s own Freeflight application but implements a unique user experience and allows further customization of your drone. Key Features (this list is expanding) * PS3 / NVidia Shield / iPega / MOGA gamepad support * Intuitive Piloting HUD * Customized Wi-Fi settings including MAC filtering, WPA2 and hidden SSID * Input Device Deadzone / Sensitivity tuning * Combined Yaw / Roll Mixing * Google / Bing / Here/ MapQuest / arcGIS Map Management * Directed Flight plans * Track Me Mode * Waypoint Assisted flight plans * MAVLINK TM Autonomous Flight Planner and Monitor * Firmware Management * Full Sky Controller V1 and V2 Integration * Remote Media Management (includes Flight Data and PNG files) * Google Cardboard (VR) Mode * Head Controlled Camera Panning * Manual Connection options * Minidrone support * Experimental Disco support AR.Pro 3 is in an exciting phase of its development. Over the coming months many new features will be introduced. AR.Pro 3 will never offer in-app purchases. Once you have purchased AR.Pro 3 you will benefit from all future enhancements without ever having to buy any additional (addon) features / functions. Portions Copyright (C) 2007-2016, PARROT SA, all rights reserved DISCLAIMER The APIs is provided by PARROT and contributors "AS IS"and any express or implied warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are disclaimed. In no event shall PARROT and contributors be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages (including, but not limited to, procurement of substitute goods or services; loss of use, data, or profits; or business interruption) however caused and on any theory of liability, whether in contract, strict liability, or tort (including negligence or otherwise) arising in any way out of the use of this software, even if advised of the possibility of such damage. Further details about Parrot's terms and conditions can be found here: http://www.parrot.com/us/terms-conditions/ Further details about Shell M. Shrader's terms and conditions can be found in the Change Log bundled with AR.Pro 3.

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