
Bitcoin Ticker Widget

7K ratings DOWNLOAD

In short

Bitcoin Ticker Widget is a free bitcoin app for Android made by XBT Apps. It helps to display btc.


Thank you creators of this solid Bitcoin app

Great widget to keep track of Bitcoin prices

Best Bitcoin tracking widget

Great Bitcoin price widget

Best bitcoin tracking widget for Android across a number of exchanges

Great for keeping an eye on Bitcoin across a number of exchanges

Perfect widget to track price of bitcoin ans other altcoins

This is without a doubt my favorite Bitcoin price monitoring tool

Easy and effective widget and app for displaying BTC and ETH prices

Great app for keeping up to date on crypto markets

It also requires a lot of unnecessary access rights

Knocking off a few stars for the obvious greedy money grab

Love the app but at this daylight robbery I can't support You

However your premium subscription is not worth it

It appears to have stopped working recently


Bitcoin Ticker Widget displays and monitors the current BTC and LTC exchange rates. You can set custom refresh interval and display options. Graphs are shown if you tap the widget. It supports most currencies and the following exchanges: * Australian BTC Markets * Bit2c * Bitbay * Bitcashout * Bitcoin Indonesia * * * Bitcurex * Bitex * Bitfinex * bitFlyer Lightning * Bitkonan * * Bitmex * Bitonic * Bitpay * Bitstamp * bitstar * Bitx * Bl3p * BTC China * BTC-e * Canadianbitcoins * * Clevercoin * Coinbase * CoinBR * Coindesk * Coinfloor * FoxBit * GDAX * Gemini * Gocelery * Hitbtc * Huobi * Igot * ItBit * Kraken * Lakebtc * Localbitcoins * Okcoin * Paymium * Poloniex * Quadrigacx * Quoine * SatoshiTango * Therocktrading * Zyado PLEASE NOTE: Don't rate the app low because you're using a non-standard launcher/home screen. You can have multiple widgets using different exchanges and/or currencies on your screen. If you want to change the settings for a widget just remove it and add a new one. If you're rating it low, please leave a comment so I can improve the widget. Bitcoin is a virtual digital currency, read more here:

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