Xodo PDF Reader & Editor
"Xodo is an all-in-one PDF reader and PDF editor. With Xodo, you can re..."
Fill and Sign PDF Forms is a free Android app from Binary Solutions. It is suitable for others. It is a great way to fill pdf forms.
Its superb guys its only to fill pdf forms
Works well for completing PDF's with fillable fields
Awesome app thanks for saving my butt
Thanks development team
I cant speak for others but for me it was a life saver for real
Still it's a good app
But the above features would make it great
This is not google play material
This app doesn't do anything I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy
It is not clear what to do next
A complete waste of space and will not open any attachments
Biggest piece of crap
Doesnt open doc unless its already got fields
You only get 3 free documents and then you have to pay for it
Xodo PDF Reader & Editor
"Xodo is an all-in-one PDF reader and PDF editor. With Xodo, you can re..."
Fast Scanner : Free PDF Scan
"Fast Scanner turns your Android devices into a multiple pages scanner ..."
ezPDF Reader Lite for PDF View
""ezPDF Reader Lite"is the slim down version of "ezPDF Reader"for casua..."
Business Card Reader Pro
"Seamlessly capturing contacts information from business cards in 25 la..."
ezPDF Reader PDF Annotate Form
"ezPDF Reader is the best selling, best rated and most commented multim..."
Household account book
"Introducing a budget book app with cute illustrations! With this app, ..."