Textra SMS
"Want a beautiful, super fast and highly customizable alternative to yo..."
Mobile Performance Meter is a free Android app from Embee Mobile. It is a great way to earn gift cards.
I like the app so far and its a great way to earn gift cards
This is the absolute BEST app I've EVER used
Great customer service
This app made me addicted to getting amazon points
Your referral program is simply amazing
They really exceed in customer service
It's one of the best most legit apps out there
Works great and you are not the only thing that has to do with it
I hope it continues to run well
You are an awesome bunch
Now i keep getting an error message and can not load the app
I cashed out for a gift card and after a day it cancelled it
I had it on my Samsung Galaxy S5 but can't get it to work on my S7
Got told I could sign up and earn gift cards but it doesn't work
Requiring me to buy a new phone
I kept getting error cannot complete
Not to mention I broke the screen on my galaxy 3
Not sure why the monthly surveys are showing up many times a day
The app description sucks
I cannot get my old account back
Textra SMS
"Want a beautiful, super fast and highly customizable alternative to yo..."
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"You can manage your Discover account conveniently from anywhere, using..."
"Manage your account without lifting a finger… just a thumb. Download t..."
Samsung Mobile Insights
Libraries & Demo
"This application is intended to allow participation in the Samsung Mob..."