
Samsung Mobile Insights

287 ratings DOWNLOAD

In short

Samsung Mobile Insights is a free app for Android created by Samsung Telecommunication America. It can be recommended to others. And this is a perfect way to participate in program.


Battery life great app outstanding would love to test the next note

But I attribute that to life cycle of the device

Love the insights program

The insights program is great

I've had 0 issues and customer service is pretty amazing

Very excited to participate in the program

I loved the opportunity to provide feedback

Excellent service but battery usage is a lot

Would recommend to others

Thanks for the opportunity Samsung

Too bad it took 2 and a half weeks

Requested the password weeks ago and got a canned email response

I emailed regarding software support and have not heard back

Terrible customer service

They're not full phone restarts

I keep getting a connection failed error

Completed the program will like to uninstall app and can't do it

Very bad idea to make the app lock phone down so much

Bad customer service



This application is intended to allow participation in the Samsung Mobile Insights. As a part of this initiative, this application collects both activity (applications you download, use, etc.) and device status information (charge level, network speed, etc.) and transmits the information in a secure manner to our servers. The data collected as a part of this initiative allows us to understand device usage patterns and potentially improve the customer experience with Samsung products. Participation in this program is by invitation only. If you have installed this application by mistake and do not have the activation password, please follow the steps below to uninstall the application. 1) Launch "Samsung Mobile Insights"application. Tap on "Cancel"button. 2) Go to Settings -> Application Manager. Tap on "Samsung Mobile Insights". Tap on "Uninstall"and tap on "OK".

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