
Storm Alert Lightning & Radar

297 ratings DOWNLOAD

In short

Storm Alert Lightning & Radar is a free source weather app for Android made by Mark Eads. It helps to know strike.


This app works great for showing lighting in the 5 to 25 mile range

Mark provides great customer service

Great alerting capability and superior weather detailing

But the radar map and everything else is great

Nice single source weather app for sure

The lightning alerts are awesome

Pretty good radar app

This is by far the best lightning app

This app is a big help in Big Sur

Have been using it a lot and I love the notification alerts

Scrollable area of forecasts is too small to see anything

I attempted to contact the developer BEFORE posting this review

This app did not display any lightning strikes at all

This app tried to load for 5 minutes without starting

Had on my pnone several months and when i NEED im screwed


Storm Alert will give you real-time thunderstorm and lightning strike push notifications sent to your phone to alert you when a thunderstorm or lightning is near your location *** Lightning Data subscription is for the United States only *** Note: location permission is required to use this app. The app needs to access the SD card to use the share feature. The app uses the camera for the new Augmented Reality feature. For an annual subscription of $2.99 , you will gain access to lightning strike data and see a map of current lightning strikes for your location within 50 miles and be able to receive lighting strike alerts. A Map will also display recent lightning strikes within a 50 mile radius of your location and storm tracks for any radar detected thunderstorm. Features: Storm Alert Weather Widget - Current Weather conditions, Thunderstorm Alerts, and Lightning Alerts on your home screen. Augmented Reality - See Storm and Lightning in real time around you through your camera Weather Alerts from the National Weather Service (NWS) - weather alerts will display current severe weather watches and warnings on the map and display details about the weather event. You will also receive notifications if there is a severe warning for your selected location Lighting Map - Lightning strikes will be displayed on the map within 30 minutes of the recorded lightning strike. -- Red Lighting Strikes = 0 - 5 Minutes -- Yellow Lighting Strikes = 6 - 10 Minutes -- Blue Lightning Strikes = 11 - 15 Minutes -- Black Lightning Strikes = 16 - 30 Minutes Thunderstorm Map - Storm tracks for nexrad radar detected thunderstorms -- Black Square = Thunderstorm -- Yellow Square = Hailstorm -- Yellow Diamond = Mesocyclone -- Purple Triangle = Tornado Thunderstorm Alerts - thunderstorm alerts will allow you to automatically send thunderstorm detection to your notification bar every 1, 5,10, 15, or 30 minutes so you do not have to keep checking the map in order to see thunderstorms near your location. (WiFi/Data and GPS must be enabled for this to work) -- Green Notifications = Thunderstorm Within 30 Miles -- Yellow Notifications = Thunderstorm Within 20 Miles -- Orange Notifications = Thunderstorm Within 10 Miles -- Red Notifications = Thunderstorm Within 5 Miles Lightning Alerts - Lightning alerts will allow you to automatically send lighting strike detection to your notification bar every 1, 5,10, 15, or 30 minutes so you do not have to keep checking the lightning map in order to see lightning strikes near your location. (WiFi/Data and GPS must be enabled for this to work) -- Green Notifications = Lightning Within 30 Miles -- Yellow Notifications = Lightning Within 20 Miles -- Orange Notifications = Lightning Within 10 Miles -- Red Notifications = Lightning Within 5 Miles Thunderstorm and Lighting Strike Proximity Detection - If a thunderstorm or lightning is detected within a radius of 5, 10, 20, or 30 miles you will automatically receive a notification in the notification bar that the thunderstorm or lightning is within that selected radius on the map. Lightning strikes will only be visible within a 50 mile radius of your location. Radar Overlay - Show real-time nexrad radar composite reflectivity for the United States Current Conditions - Displays the current weather conditions which include: Nearest Thunderstorm Detection (experimental) , Storm Intensity, Chance of Rain/Thunderstorms, Temperature and Feels Like Temperature, Dew Point, Humidity, Wind Speed, Wind Direction, Visibility, Cloud Cover, Atmospheric Pressure, and O-Zone 48 hour (hourly) Forecast - Current Conditions view includes an interactive 48 hour (hourly) forecast 7day forecast - List view of the forecasted weather for the next 7 days Weather Links - Weather links for a full map analysis of the current and forecasted weather which include advanced weather forcast overlays Send Feature requests to: STORMALERTANDROID@GMAIL.COM

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