Weather Live
"Meet Weather Live. The most beautiful weather app. Ever. Don't let bad..."
AccuWeather Platinum is a free accuweather app for Android created by It can be recommended to app users and developers. And this is a perfect way to see creativity.
Now one of the best weather apps i Google Play
Much cleaner app than The Weather Channel
Thanks for providing the world's best weather app
Across numerous platforms AccuWeather is my preferred weather app
I plan on keeping this one a while thanks to the developers
Great app overall and my go to weather app
This the best weather app ever
AccuWeather app is well put together and reports are realistic
The best weather app I've tried
AccuWeather app is great
Data is NOT viewable in Google Now
A weather app without a widget is pretty useless to me
2017 update is buggy on Samsung Galaxy S7 running Android Nougat
Their minute forecast often contradicts their houyly forcast
Battery drain after latest update
Eats up battery power
Keeps draining my battery
Take too long to load irrespective of network connection strength
If it's not a weather advisory STOP BUGGING ME
Status bar notification is Blurry and difficult to read
Weather Live
"Meet Weather Live. The most beautiful weather app. Ever. Don't let bad..."
Weather Kitty
"Smile every time you check the weather! Unless you're using the Grumpy..."
Weather Underground: Forecasts
"The new Weather Underground Android app provides the world's most accu..."
Weather Radar Widget
"Three fixes in version 1.7.6: 1) The "rock back and forth"mode checkbo..."
Weather Puppy
"Smile every time you check the weather! The puppy changes based on the..."
Weather Whiskers App & Widget
"There is one thing that can make a thunderstorm feel like a sunny day:..."