
Alarmy (Sleep If U Can)- alarm

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In short

Alarmy (Sleep If U Can)- alarm is a free alarm app for Android created by Delight Room Co., Ltd. It can be recommended to students and people. And this is a perfect way to use timer.


It's a nice alternative to default alarm app

One of the best app on play store

The BEST app for alarms

I love the solve math problems to disable alarm option

By far the best alarm app yet

My favorite alarm app by far

No words to express how useful this app is

This alarm app works GREAT

Best alarm app thus far

Great to have the alarm clock

Yet Impressively annoying alarm app I've come across

It forces me to open my eyes and not hit the snooze button

The Shake Option doesn't Work

But dislike calculation equation it made me break up my mobile

I always set 2 alarms in the app 20 minutes apart for good measure

Impossible to sleep through this one

I would suggest not using the Uninstall block for that very reason

I do hope you guys would fix this issue ASAP

Had to reboot my phone just to uninstall

Shame on the devs and shame on Google for making this acceptable


People love "Photo Mode"! You take a picture of registered place to turn off alarm. - Many people trun off alarm and subsequently wash their face. "World's Most Annoying alarm clock app, featured by Cnet, Gizmodo,Huffington post etc."#1 in the category in 80 countries, including Germany, France, and South Korea. (Appstore) Also support "Shake Mode"(To turn off alarm, shake your phone) and "Math problem mode"(To turn off alarm, solve the math problem) No more late mornings for you How to turn off the alarm ? (Picture dismiss mode) - Register a place where you want to turn off the alarm. - When alarm starts ringing, you will have to go to the registered place and take a picture. e.g.) If bathroom is the registered place, wake up and take a picture of the bathroom. Tip - good place to register : far from bed (bathroom sink is the best!) - bad place to register : brightness changes frequently or close to your bed. - If the currently registered alarm picture is too easy or too difficult to turn off, please register a new place :) Alarmy (Sleep If U Can) is the innovative solution for those who just can’t seem to get up on time, even with an alarm clock. This app has been cleverly designed to force you to get out of bed. You set it up by registering a photo of an area or room in your house. Then once the alarm is set, the ONLY way to make it stop ringing is to get out of bed and go take a photo of the registered area. The World’s Most Annoying Alarm Dubbed as “the world’s most annoying alarm”, Alarmy has quickly become a favorite mobile app among users. It has been featured in Gizmodo, Cnet, and at Huffington Post, and is currently Number One in its category in 70 countries, including France, Germany, and South Korea. Users are truly enjoying this app and many have devised their own unique methods around the alarm’s requirements. For instance, you could register the foot of the bed as your location, then you would only need to wake up enough to take a pic of the foot of your bed and then go right back to sleep. Of course, this totally circumvents the whole purpose of the app but has become a fun pastime for many users. Works Better Than Other Alarm Clocks Other creative locations that users have come up with include the ceiling of their room, a nightstand, or the floor. If you’re more serious about really getting up on time, then how about registering the bathroom sink or an item in the kitchen? Though the app has sparked lots of interest and has proven to be really entertaining, it will definitely get you out of bed. If you absolutely MUST get up on time for an important appointment or job interview, then this would be the perfect solution. Permission information CAMERA - Alarmy needs this permission for the picture alarm turn off method, which requires users take a picture WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE - Alarmy needs this permission to load external ringtones. READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE - Alarmy needs this permission to save pictures taken by users who are using the picture turn off method ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION - Alarmy need this permission to get weather information. Privacy policy in english: e-mail :

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