
BeerSmith 2 Mobile Homebrewing

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In short

BeerSmith 2 Mobile Homebrewing is an Android home brewing app developed by BeerSmith LLC. This app is recommended for beginners. This is a good app to make recipes.


Excellent tool for brew day and trips to the homebrew supply store

This app is great for designing recipes

Very handy for making recipes

This is the most helpful brewing app I have found

This is a great app for your brew day

Best brewing software on the market for homebrewing

Great piece of brewing software

Good customisation options

Easy to share recipes with friends and colleagues

I use it for the timers on brew day and it works great

Not a good user interface

Also cloud storage is very limited so it's no good as a brew day log

The water profile part of the app does not work properly

Keeps crashing and giving me JavaScript errors

No details on how to fix this online

This renders the app useless for me and a huge waste of money

This isn't the first time this has happened which is frustrating

All of my personal recipes got deleted


Need to create great homebrewing beer recipes on the go? BeerSmith 2, the world's top selling home brewing software, comes to Android. BeerSmith Mobile gives you all the tools to design, edit and brew your best beer from your phone or tablet. BeerSmith home brewing is tightly integrated with our recipe cloud service and desktop BeerSmith program making it easy to create recipes from your desktop computer or phone and share them transparently. Save a recipe on your desktop cloud folder and open it on your phone. In addition our BeerSmithRecipes search function puts thousands of new recipes at your fingertips. An integrated brew day timer with step by step instructions, brewing calculators and tools for converting units rounds out this great app! The ultimate app for BeerSmith users - create a recipe at your desktop cloud folder, walk our the door and edit the recipe from your phone or tablet! Features: - Ability to fully edit recipe and brew session data - Editing of ingredients including hops, grains, misc, water, and yeast - Full edit of profiles including equipment, mash profiles, aging and carbonation - Functions to scale a recipe by equipment, alter color, original gravity or bitterness - Ability to save profiles or ingredients from an existing recipe to your phone database - Search, view and select from thousands of recipes on BeerSmithRecipes.com - Brewday timer for steep, mash and boil with notifications and alarms - Ability to store recipes you find locally or to your cloud account - Full integration with the desktop version of BeerSmith via your cloud folder - Any recipe you move to your desktop cloud folder can be used in the app! - Full beer style guide in app for reference - Seven calculators including: hydrometer adjust, infusions, alcohol/attenuation, mash adjust, weight/volume, refractometer and carbonation - Five unit converters: temperature, gravity, weight, volume, pressure

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