AfterFocus Pro
"With AfterFocus, you can create DSLR-style background blurred photo by..."
Photography Trainer is an Android app developed by Trailblazer Media. This app is recommended for beginners. This is a good app to understand for beginner.
Helps me understand more about DSLR photography
Great real world explanations and examples
Helps me to figure things easier
Really helps me take better pics
Super easy to understand for a beginner
It's helped me take some amazing pictures
Good for beginners and moderate photographers
Useful and practical skills that are easy to understand
This is a superb application
So helpful in different situations
AfterFocus Pro
"With AfterFocus, you can create DSLR-style background blurred photo by..."
DSLR Controller
"DSLR Controller was the first and remains the best app to fully contro..."
DSLR Camera Pro
"DSLR Camera Pro is a professional camera app designed to mimic a DSLR ..."
LightMeter (noAds)
"I've made this app for real old school photographers or advanced amate..."
Complete Ear Trainer
Game Music
"The ultimate ear training app for musicians. Develop your relative pit..."
10K Running Trainer Pro
Health & Fitness
"The Official 10K Trainer App Featured on Glamour Magazine, Yahoo!’s Ap..."