
Transparent clock weather Pro

2K ratings DOWNLOAD

In short

Transparent clock weather Pro is a weather app for Android created by MACHAPP Software Ltd. It can be recommended to users. And this is a perfect way to adjust rating.


Best weather application on the Google play store

The app have very good widgets with calendar integration

Lots of customization options including coloring specific areas

Happy to adjust my rating for what is the outstanding weather app

Thanks for offering support email

A perfect and accurate weather app

Great visual forecast service

I LOVE this weather app

Fantastic weather app

All works perfect this is the best weather app

HTC Flip clock could not sync time

Uninstall transparent clock weather pro to improve performance

Critical Code Error Malware can use this error to attack your app

It took me forever to set up my settings and not a single one took

Had to delete I'm afraid as I couldn't get it to appear as a widget

Had to uninstall app

The locked screen time displayed by the app does not update

The weather app is crap

The last update sucks

Previous version did not


Transparent clock & world weather is a full featured, completely customizable digital clock and weather forecast application and widget. Please refer to the Help file (settings > Help) for available widget hot spots. The application features the following: • Many widgets in different sizes (2x1, 4x1, 4x2, 4x3 and 5x2) • Resize widgets to any size (5x1, 5x2, 5x3, 5x4 or bigger) • Easy setup - simply start the application and it will automatically detect your location, load your weather forecast and use default unit settings • Beautiful user interface using material design • Support for wearable devices • Many different widget skins to choose from • Widgets can display the current time,date, basic or advanced weather information, daily or hourly forecast, battery level, Internet connection status, available storage information, next alarm, next calendar event, week number, battery level and more • Fully customize your widget by specifying the background color, transparency, text colors, time font, shadows, weather icons and much more • Use the 7 built-in weather icon sets or download additional icon sets for more than 30 different choices • Use the widget hot spots to perform common tasks quickly (launch calendar application, alarms, battery info, Wifi settings, application settings, refresh the weather and more) • Change widget hotspots to launch any application you like • Automatic location detection (using the cell, wifi or GPS signal) or manual • Support of different weather providers that gives you more accurate weather forecast for your location • Automatic weather update interval (15 min, 30 min, 1, 2, 4, 6, 8 hours) or manual • Hour change notification option with possibility to specify start and end time and hour change notification sound • Detailed current weather forecast that includes local time, sunrise and sunset, humidity, pressure, chance of rain, dew point, visibility, UV index, wind direction, wind speed, current condition, current temperature, high and low temperatures for the day • Weather radar for precipitation, rain, snow, clouds, pressure and temperature • Expandable temperature notifications with 4 day forecast • Beautiful weather backgrounds according to the current weather condition and day or night • Hourly weather forecast for the next 2 or 3 days • Hourly wind forecast (with Beaufort scale index) for the next 2 or 3 days • 7 day future forecast showing (also showing sunrise and sunset times) • Moon information and 30 day moon phase calendar • Current location information (address and interactive map) • Share your location or weather forecast • Support of up to 10 different locations • Localized in more than 40 languages Website: http://www.machapp.net Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/transparentclockweather F.A.Q.: http://machapp.net/faq.html YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/xdroid27 Email us if you have any questions, problems or suggestions. We are happy to help!

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