
Seven - 7 Minute Workout Training Challenge

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In short

Seven - 7 Minute Workout Training Challenge is a free Android app developed by Perigee AB. This is a good app to get energy boost.


Excellent app for a daily unpretentious and free workout routine

Great quick body weight exercise app

This is the best alternative to a full workout

Helps me to remember to stay focused

I work from home and it's a great way to get an energy boost

And it's absolutely worth to take out 7 minutes from 24 hours

Its a great app for working out from home

Very Helpful For Total Body

Love it is only 7 minutes which suits busy schedule

Excellent workout when you lack time in your day

For it to decide that is 'game over' is really annoying

And the progress tracker goes back to zero


* No workout equipment & just minutes a day * Fun achievements and rewards to keep you motivated * Based on the 7-minute workout featured in NY Times Magazine YOUR CHALLENGE: 7 minutes for 7 months Using nothing more than a chair, a wall, and your own body weight, the 7 minute workout is based on scientific studies to provide the maximum benefit of working out regularly in the shortest time possible. YOU ONLY LIVE THRICE Just like your favorite video game, Seven starts you off with three lives. Skip a day and lose a heart, but miss 3 workouts in a month and your progress resets to zero and it's game over! Work out every day for 7 months to achieve 100% and become a 7/7 champion. Seven also motivates you toward your goal with positive reinforcement: — Unlock achievements from Novice to Athlete as you vary your routine — Earn rewards and health-related giveaways — Set up daily reminders, or when you've missed too many workouts — Track your progress visually on color-coded graphs and calendars THE ULTIMATE 7-MINUTE WORKOUT APP Seven guides you through the 7-minute workouts with precise illustrations, visual timers, spoken instructions and even tactile feedback to switch between 30 seconds of intense exercise and 10 seconds of rest. EXTRAS — No internet access needed. Work out anytime, anywhere! — Play songs from your favorite music app in the background — Fitness enthusiasts can do multiple circuits for longer workouts — Armband friendly: vibration or voice mode indicates when to switch exercises — Google drive sync to keep your progress up-to-date on all your devices — The "Learn"tab includes pro tips on how to perform each exercise Now all of us, busy as we are, can stay in shape!

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